The Uncreated Story

Uncreated is one of those concepts that you either know or you don’t. You don’t often hear the word used, yet when you do you don’t quite know what it is referring to. This is what it means to me.

The term Uncreated does not refer to a created thing that has been uncreated. Instead, it refers to something that never had a creation point to begin with but still exists and has always existed. Therefore there is only one thing this word can even refer to, and that is God himself. God is described as having no beginning and no end, having created everything but being uncreated himself. He sustains all things yet needs nothing to sustain himself. This concept is difficult for the human mind to fully understand. How can something have no beginning? Everything is cause and effect according to the laws of the universe as we know it right? The thing is, God is not limited by the universe he created. He dwells outside of space and time, and our rules and logic cannot apply to him. God is not a different species, he is a different type of being completely. His ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

I have been fascinated with this concept for many years. When it came time to name a clothing brand I wanted something I thought sounded cool, but is also thought provoking, and possibly a conversation starter. I wanted to make designs that were clean and edgy at the same time. There you have it, Uncreated was born.